Epilepsy is a neurological condition that can affect people for some of their life, or all of it.
As it can affect the brain and nervous system, it can have an extremely varied nature and so those who work in health and social care need to have an awareness of the condition and the actions that need to be taken if someone has a seizure.
There are around 40 different types of seizures and one in five people will have a seizure at some point during their life, although this might not necessarily be as a result of epilepsy.
This Epilepsy Awareness course not only provides an overview of the condition, but also lists the methods of diagnosis. It discusses what a seizure is and the ways in which the brain can be affected.
The course can also help to identify some possible triggers for seizures and provide practical advice on what to do when this happens.
When working in the care sector with children or adults, it can be very important to understand more about epilepsy and how to deal with the seizure.
This Epilepsy Awareness online course helps to expand the learner’s knowledge about the condition and describes what to do if someone they are caring for has a seizure.
This can be a useful course to expand on the information given about epilepsy and seizures in other first aid training.
As epilepsy is a condition which is covered by the Equality Act 2010, it is important that anyone working with an epilepsy sufferer understands the condition as well as the actions that can be taken if you are present during the seasonal seizure.
It allows the learner to take a proactive role in ensuring the safety and comfort of any epilepsy sufferer when a seizure happens.
This online course is a cost-effective and efficient way to train staff in how to deal with epilepsy. It uses interactive video, professional presenters, animations, and quiz style questions to ensure that learning is easy and engaging at all times.