ADHD is a chronic condition that is much talked about, but many people do not still fully understand it. This ADHD Awareness e-learning course covers all the different definitions of ADHD and its different types. As something that creates a range of persistent symptoms, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour, it is important to recognise some of the key signs that can indicate ADHD.
It is also important to gain an understanding of what some of the possible ADHD causes might be, as well as looking at the way in which it is diagnosed and how it is treated. This includes looking at the advantages of environmental changes, types of therapy, and the different types of medication that can be prescribed for ADHD.
This online ADHD Awareness course is designed for those living with or caring for anyone who has ADHD. It can help to gain a better understanding of the condition and provides some practical advice on how best to support children, teenagers or adults who have it. It is therefore useful for anyone who has regular contact with children or adults with ADHD or works with them, making it ideal for parents, carers and those in educational settings.
Understanding ADHD can be incredibly important, and so this course has been designed to be as flexible as possible to help you gain the understanding that you need in a way that works for you. Not only does it allow you to study in your own time and at your own pace, but it also includes a number of different learning resources to make it as easy as possible for you to absorb this valuable information.