The subject of sex education for people with learning disabilities has often been a cause for anxiety among the people who support them, with many assumptions being made about its value and the potential for harm. Issues relating to safety/safeguarding and the risk of abuse or exploitation should of course be key considerations, but they should not be allowed to become barriers, rather, they should become central to the planning and delivery of services.
Our key message is that we wish to support people in achieving their best possible outcomes in whatever they are doing or aspire to do, through appropriate support from dedicated professionals who are trained and skilled in what they do.
With the right support and appropriate education, people receiving support are able to enjoy healthy, safe and happy personal and sexual relationships. This course will enable those working in care related roles to explore the factors which influence decisions, and the support required to effectively deliver programmes of sex education for both adults and young people with learning disabilities.
The Facilitating Sex Education in Social Care Settings course will provide learners with the skills to utilise different elements of Sex, Rights and Responsibilities Education Pack with people they provide support to. A wide variety of resources and facilitation guides are included to allow facilitators to provide individualised support and learning tailored to each person’s needs.
The Sex, Rights and Responsibilities A Sex Education Pack for working with people with learning disabilities - published by Michelle McCarthy and David incorporates a multitude of subject areas which broadly explore a person’s knowledge and understanding and provide an opportunity to explore attitudes and to challenge or shape any pre-existing beliefs which the person may hold.
The course will include the full pack of resources for your team to utilise following the training.